Multiple Choice Questions On Software Engineering - Page 2

Sunday, 22 April 2012

1) Spiral Model was developed by?
  1. Bev Littlewood
  2. Berry Bohem
  3. Roger Pressman
  4. Victor Bisili
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Answer = B 
Explanation: Spiral model was developed by Berry Bohem in 1986 in his article "A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement"
2) Which model is popular for students small projects ?
  1. Waterfall Model
  2. Spiral Model
  3. Quick and Fix model
  4. Prototyping Model
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Answer = A
Explanation: No Explanation
3) Which is not a software life cycle model?
  1. Spiral Model
  2. Waterfall Model
  3. Prototyping Model
  4. Capability maturity Model
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Answer = D 
Explanation:Capability maturity model is not a software life cycle model

4) Project risk factor is considered in ?
  1. Spiral Model
  2. Waterfall Model
  3. Prototyping Model
  4. Iterative enhancement Model
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Answer = A
Explanation:Aim of Risk analysis phase in the spiral model is to eliminate the high risk problems before they threaten the project operation or cost.
5) SDLC stands for ?
  1. Software design life cycle
  2. Software development life cycle
  3. System design life cycle
  4. System development life cycle
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Answer = B 
Explanation:Full form of SDLC is software development life cycle.

6) Build and Fix model has?
  1. 3 Phases
  2. 1 Phases
  3. 2 Phases
  4. 4 Phases
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Answer = C 
Explanation:Build and fix model has 2 phases one is " build " and other is " fix " .

7) SRS stands for ?
  1. Software requirement specification
  2. Software requirement solution
  3. System requirement specification
  4. None of Above
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Answer = A
Explanation: SRS acts as a contract between the developer and the user.

8) Waterfall model is not suitable for ?
  1. Small Projects
  2. Complex Projects
  3. Accommodating change
  4. None of Above
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Answer = C
Explanation:Waterfall model does not accommodate any change that's why this model is used in those situations where requirements are well understood.

9) RAD stands for ?
  1. Rapid Application Development
  2. Relative Application Development
  3. Ready Application Development
  4. Repeated Application Development
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Answer =A 
Explanation:No Explanation for this question.

10) RAD Model was purposed by ?
  1. IBM
  2. Motorola
  3. Microsoft
  4. Lucent Technologies
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Answer =A 
Explanation:RAD Model was purposed by IBM in 1980s through the book of James Martin entitles "Rapid Application Development"

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