Software Engineering Objective Type Questions with Answers - Set 5

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Multiple Choice Questions on Sonftware Engineering with answers and explanation for interview and entrance examination. Subscribe us to get latest Objective Type Questions on Various Computer Subjects.

1) Given a source code with 10 operators includes 6 unique operators, and 6 operand including 2 unique operands. The program volume is ?
  1. 48
  2. 120
  3. 720
  4. insufficient data
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Answer = A 
Explanation: No Explanation
2) In the system conceps, term organization ?
  1. implies structure and order
  2. refers to the manner in which each component fuctions with other components of the system
  3. refers to the holism of system
  4. means that part of the computer system depend on one another
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Answer = A 
Explanation: No Explanation
3) In the system concepts, the term integration ?
  1. implies structure and order
  2. refers to the manner in which each component functions with other components of the system
  3. means that parts of computer system depends on one another
  4. refers to the holism of systems
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Answer = D 
Explanation: No Explanation
4) Project indicator enables a software project manager to ?
  1. assess the status of an ongoing project
  2. track potential risks
  3. uncover problem araes before they " go critical "
  4. All of above
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Answer = D 
Explanation: No Explanation
5) Once object oriented programming has been accomplished, unit testing is applied for each class. Class tests includes ?
  1. Fault based testing
  2. Random testing
  3. Partition teting
  4. All of above
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Answer = D 
Explanation: No Explanation
6) ............ Developed a set of software quality factors that has been given the acronym FURPS - Functinality, Usability, Reliability, performance, Supportability ?
  1. Hewlett - Packard
  2. Rambaugh
  3. Booch
  4. Jacobson
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Answer = A 
 Explanation: No Explanation
7) In system design, we do following ?
  1. Hardware design after software
  2. Software design after hardware
  3. Parallel hardware and software design
  4. No hardware design needed
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Answer = C 
Explanation: No Explanation
8) The document listing all procedures and regulations that generally govern an organization is the ?
  1. Personal poling bank
  2. Organizing manual
  3. Administration policy manual
  4. Procedure log
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Answer = B Explanation: No Explanation
9) A turnkey package includes ?
  1. Software
  2. Hardware
  3. Traning
  4. All of above
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Answer = D 
 Explanation: No Explanation
10) Detailed design is expressed by ?
  1. CSPEC
  2. PSPEC
  4. Code SPEC
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Answer = C 
 Explanation: No Explanation

Tags: Software Engineering Questions and answers, Software Engineering MCQ, Software Engineering Objective types Questions, TET Exam, NET exam 2012 Preparation.

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