Information Technology Questions Set 3 - All Quiz

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Information technology multiple choice and objective type quiz questions and answers

1) Who invented microprocessor ?
  1. Joseph Jacquard
  2. Herman H Goldstein
  3. Marcian E Huff
  4. George Boole
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Answer =C
2) .INI extention refers to which kind of file ?
  1. Image file
  2. System file
  3. Hypertext related file
  4. Image color matching profile file
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Answer =B
3) Who built the world's first binary digit computer ?
  1. Alan Turing
  2. Konrad Zuse
  3. George Boole
  4. Ken Thompson
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Answer =B
4) What is VCM ?
  1. Virtual Connection Manager
  2. Virtual Channel Memory
  3. Video Controlled Modem
  4. Voice Connection Module
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Answer =B
5)  Who is largely responsible for breaking the German Enigma Codes created a test provided a foundation for artificial intelligence ?
  1. Alan Turing
  2. Jeff Bezos
  3. George Boole
  4. Charles Babbage
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Answer = A
6) Who co - founded Hotmail in 1996 and then sold the company to microsoft ?
  1. Shawn Fanning
  2. Ada Byron Lovelace
  3. Sabeer Bhatia
  4. Ray Tomlinson
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Answer = C
7) What was the first ARPANET message?
  1. Hello world
  2. Cyberspace, the final frontier
  3. mary has a little lamp
  4. Lo
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Answer = D
8)  Where are the headquarters of Microsoft located  ?
  1. Santa Clara
  2. Tucson
  3. Redmond
  4. Richmond
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Answer = A
9) What does DOCSIS stands for ?
  1. Data over cable service internet standard
  2. Data over cable security internet standard
  3. Data over cable secure international standard
  4. Data over cable service interface srandard
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Answer = D
10) Who designed the first electronic computer - ENIAC?
  1. Von Neumann
  2. Joseph M Jacquard
  3. J.P.Eckert and J.W.Mauchly
  4. All of above
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Answer = C

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