English Vocabulary One Word Substitute For Bank Exams - Page 2

Monday, 20 August 2012

One word substitute quiz questions online.

1) The killing of one man by another man?
  1. Suicide
  2. Homicide
  3. Fillicide
  4. Insecticide
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Answer =  B
2) An office for which no salary is paid ?
  1. Hospitable
  2. Free
  3. Honorary
  4. Gratis
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Answer =C
3) One who entertains his guest well ?
  1. Inhospitable
  2. Incognito
  3. Parasitic
  4. Hospitable
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Answer =D
4) One who has exaggerated anxiety about one's health ?
  1. Pediatric
  2. Hypochondriac
  3. Verbatim
  4. Petrify
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Answer = B
5) One who lacks knowledge ?
  1. Intelligent
  2. Ignorant
  3. Credulous
  4. Colleague
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Answer = D
6) That  which is contrary to law ?
  1. Legal
  2. Legacy
  3. Illegal
  4. Imminent
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Answer = C
7)  A handwriting by which cannot be easily read ?
  1. Illegible
  2. Legible
  3. Lucid
  4. Edible
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Answer = A
8) One who is unable to read or write?
  1. Genius
  2. Illiterate
  3. Palisade
  4. Pulverize
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Answer = B
9)  One who comes to settle in a country ?
  1. Tourist
  2. Emigrant
  3. Immigrant
  4. Visitor
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Answer =C
10) That which cannot be attacked or taken by force?
  1. Pregnable
  2. Impregnable
  3. Autopay
  4. Anarchy
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Answer =B

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