Data Structure Objective Type Questions And Answers

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Data structure multiple choice questions and answers with explanation.
1) The average search time of hashing with linear probing will be less if the load factor  ?
  1. is far less than one
  2. equals one
  3. is far greater than one
  4. None of above
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Answer = A 
Explanation: No Explanation
2) The complexity of binary search algorithm is ?
  1. n
  2. nlogn
  3. logn
  4. n2
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Answer = D 
3) The postfix equivalent of the prefix * + ab - cd is ?
  1. ab + cd - *
  2. abcd + - *
  3. ab + cd * -
  4. ab + - cd *
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Answer = A
Explanation: No Explanation
4)The linked list implementation of sparse matrices is superior to the generalized dope vector method because it is?
  1. Conceptually easier
  2. Completely dynamic 
  3. Efficient in accessing an entry
  4. Efficient if the sparse matrix is a band matrix
  5. A and B
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Answer = E 
Explanation: N/A
5) Sparse matrix have ?
  1. many zero entries
  2. many non-zero entries
  3. higher dimension
  4. none of above
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Answer = A 
Explanation: A sparse matrix is a matrix populated primarily with zeros
6) Which of the following algorithm solves the all pair shortest path problem ?
  1. Dijkstra's algorithm
  2. Floyd's algorithm
  3. Prim's algorithm
  4. Warshall's algorithm
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Answer = B 
Explanation: The Floyd–Warshall algorithm (also known as Floyd's algorithm, Roy–Warshall algorithm, Roy–Floyd algorithm, or the WFI algorithm) is a graph analysis algorithm for finding shortest paths in a weighted graph (with positive or negative edge weights) and also for finding transitive closure of a relation R.

7) As part of maintenance work, you are entrusted with the work of rearranging the library books in a shelf in proper order, at the end of each day. The ideal choice will be ?
  1. Bubble sort
  2. Insertion sort
  3. Selection sort
  4. Heap sort
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Answer = B 

8) The way a card game player arranges his cards as he picks them  up one by one, is an example of ?
  1. bubble sort
  2. selection sort
  3. insertion sort
  4. merge sort
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Answer = C 
Explanation: He scans throught the rest of the cards and pick the one with least value and places it next to the point till which he has already sorted the cards
9) The average successful search time for sequential search on 'n' items is ?
  1. n/2
  2. (n - 1)/2
  3. (n + 2)/2
  4. log(n) + 1
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Answer = C 
10) Linked lists are suitable for which of the following problems ?
  1. Insertion sort
  2. Binary search
  3. Radix sort
  4. Polynomial manipulation
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Answer = B 
Explanation: Through Linked list binary search can be performed efficiently.

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