1st September 2012 Current Affairs

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Current Affairs multiple choice questions and answers of the  September 2012.

1) Onam Harvest Festival” celebrated on 1st September is the festival of which state ?
  1. Assam
  2. Bihar
  3. Kerala
  4. AndraParedesh
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Answer = C 
Explanation: "onam" is a harvest festival and people of Kerala celebrate it with joy on 1st sep. The festival is celebrated to welcome the king mahabali whose spirit is said to visit Kerala at the time of Onam. 
2) Which festival is going to be celebrated from 1st September to 15th September in Jammu and Kashmir  ?
  1. Ladakh Festival
  2. Chaiia
  3. Jhiri Mela
  4. None of above
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Answer = A 
Explanation: The festival begins with a long procession, of local leaders, schoolchildren and dancers, which makes its way through Leh.
3) Who among the following is took over as indian navy chief ?
  1. Sureesh Mehta
  2. Devendra Kumar Joshi
  3. Nirmal Verma
  4. Arun Prakash
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Answer = B
4) Which steel plant won the Prime Minister Trophy for the 10th time ?
  1. Rourkela Steel Plant
  2. Bokaro Steel Plant
  3. Vizag Steel plant
  4. Bhilai Steel plant
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Answer = D
5) Which of the following album is recently released by Radio city ?
  1. Student of the year
  2. Minus the machine
  3. When the world ends
  4. Down by the river
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Answer = A

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