Computer Graphics multiple choice, objective type and interview based questions and answers.
1) What is ZUI in computer Graphics ?
1) What is ZUI in computer Graphics ?
- A Widget
- Logical Enhancement of GUI
- An application that saves memory
- None of above
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Answer = A
Explanation: Zooming user interface or zoomable user interface (ZUI, pronounced zoo-ee) is a graphical environment where users can change the scale of the viewed area in order to see more detail or less, and browse through different documents
2) In Bresenham's algorithm, while generating a circle , it is easy to generate? Explanation: Zooming user interface or zoomable user interface (ZUI, pronounced zoo-ee) is a graphical environment where users can change the scale of the viewed area in order to see more detail or less, and browse through different documents
- One octant first and other by successive reflection
- One octant first and other by successive rotation
- One octant first and other by successive translation
- All octants
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Answer = A
Explanation:In Bresehnam's algorithm only one octant is needs to be generated ans other octants can be obtained by successive reflection.
3) Why a circle drawn on the screen appears to be elliptical ? Explanation:In Bresehnam's algorithm only one octant is needs to be generated ans other octants can be obtained by successive reflection.
- It is due to the aspect ratio of monitor
- Screen has rectangular shape
- Our eyes are not at the same level on screen
- CRT is completely spherical
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Answer = A
4) In bresenhan's algorithm error term is initialized to ? - 0
- 1
- -1/2
- None of above
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Answer = A
5) Which of the following technique is used in Midpoint Subdivision algorithm ? - Linear search
- Binary search
- Heap sort
- Bubble sort
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Answer = B
Explanation: In mid point subdivision algorithm the line segment is separated at its mid point and them the two resulting segments are checked for visibility and clipping.
6) Which of the following clipping algorithm follows the Divide and Conquer strategy? Explanation: In mid point subdivision algorithm the line segment is separated at its mid point and them the two resulting segments are checked for visibility and clipping.
- 4-bit algorithm
- Midpoint algorithm
- Cyrus break algorithm
- Cohen- Sutherland algorithm
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Answer = B
Explanation:No Explanation
7) A line with endpoints codes as 0000 and 0100 is ? Explanation:No Explanation
- Partially invisible
- Completely visible
- Completely invisible
- Trivially invisible
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Answer = A
8) Choose the correct statement? - Random scan monitors draw a picture one line at a time
- The components line of a random scan picture must be refreshed in a particular order
- Raster scan monitors draw a picture one line at a time
- Random scan method is well suited for displaying shading and color areas
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Answer = A
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