Questions And Answers On Computer Arithmetic - Page 7

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Following are the various questions and answers on computer arithmetic with explanation.

1) On receiving an interrupt from an I/O device, the CPU  ?
  1. halts for a predetermined time
  2. hands over control of address bus and data bus to the interrupting device.
  3. branches off to the interrupt service routine immediately
  4. branches off to the interrupt service routine after the completion of the current instruction.
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Answer = D
2) To get boolean expression in the product of sum form from a given Karnaugh map ?
  1. don't care condition should not be present
  2. don't care conditions if present should be takes as zeros
  3. one should cover all the 0's present and complement the resulting expression.
  4. one should cover all the 1'a present and complement the resulting expression.
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Answer = C 
3) The reduced form of the boolean expression (A + B)(A + C) is ?
  1. AB + AC
  2. AC + B
  3. A + B + C
  4. A + BC
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Answer = D 
4) Name the cache also known as internal cache ?
  1. L1 cache
  2. L2 cache
  3. L3 cache
  4. L4 cache
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Answer = A 
Explanation:L1 cache is also known as internal cache and it resides in the CPU. L2 is known as secondary cache and it is within the motherboard.
5) Which of the following is not a CPU register ?
  1. Memory control register
  2. Memory data register
  3. Memory buffer register
  4. Instruction register
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Answer = A 
Explanation: There is no MCR in the CPU

6) The main task of memory address register is?
  1. stores the address of next location in the main memory
  2. stores the address of next location in cache memory
  3. stores the address of next location in secondary memory
  4. stores the address of output device to which the data is sent
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Answer = A 
Explanation: No Explanation
7) Which register indicates whether the data register holds the data to be transferred or not ?
  1. MAR
  2. MBR
  3. MDR
  4. Status register
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Answer = D 
Explanation: No Explanation
8) Which of the following operation represents the  machine cycle?
  1. Fetch - Execute - Decode - Store
  2. Execute - Decode - Store - Fetch
  3. Decode - Fetch - Store - Execute
  4.  Fetch - Decode -Execute - Store
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Answer = D 
Explanation: In Fetch phase the instruction is brought into the computer, in Decode phase the instruction in divided into different parts, in Execute phase the decoded instruction is executed by the CPU and finally the result sent to the output device or main memory.
9)  The decoding phase of instruction cycle is also known as ?
  1. Translating
  2. Interpreting
  3. Analyzing
  4. Breaking
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Answer =B 
Explanation:Decoding phase is also known as interpreting as the instruction in interpreted to determine two key attribute of the instruction , the opcode and the operand.
10) Cache memory is used to transfer data between ?
  1. Main memory and secondary memory
  2. Processor and main memory
  3. Processor and secondary memory
  4. Processor and output device
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Answer = B 
Explanation:Cache is always placed between the main memory and processor in the computer system.

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