1) The Conditional Compilation ?
6) Declaration int *(*p) int(*a)(i) is ?
- It is taken care of by the compiler
- It is setting the compiler options conditionally
- It is compiling a program based on condition
- None of Above
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Answer = C
2) Originally C was developed as ? - System Programming Language
- General Purpose Language
- Data Processing Language
- None of Above
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Answer = A
3) Minimum number of temporary variable needed to swap the contents of 2 variable is ? - 1
- 2
- 3
- 0
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Answer =D
4)*ptr++ is equivalent to ? - ptr++
- *ptr
- ++*ptr
- None of Above
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Answer = D
5) Expression C=i++ Causes ? - Value of i is assigned to C and then I is incremented by 1
- i to be incremented by 1, and then value of i assigned to C
- Value of i assigned to C
- i to be incremented by 1
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Answer = A
6) Declaration int *(*p) int(*a)(i) is ?
- A pointer to function that accepts an integer argument and returns an integer
- A pointer to a, which returns an integer
- A pointer to subroutine, which returns result of evaluation
- None of Above
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Answer = A
7) Null pointer and UN-initialized pointers are same ? - True
- False
- Varies from program to program
- None of Above
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Answer = B
8) In which header file Null macro is defined ? - stdio.h and stddeth
- Iostream.h
- string.h
- preprocessor
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Answer = A
9) Null pointer is ? - A pointer which does not point anywhere
- Pointer defined with name Null
- A pointer that returns 0 values
- None of Above
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Answer = A
10) Null macro is ? - A macro with name Null
- A macro which represents Null pointer
- A macro defined with no name
- None of Above
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Answer = B
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